Acne and Acne Scars

Five Types of Acne:
1. Whiteheads(Open Comedonal)/Blackheads(Closed Comedonal)
3. Pustules
4. Nodules
5. Cysts
Treatments for Acne:
Medication- Dr. Patel prescribes different medications to treat various types of acne. Some of those medications include Topical Retinoids, Antibiotics (oral or topical), Accutane,Oral Contraceptives, and Steroid Injections.
Fotona Laser-Laser treatment of Active Acne reduces acne inflammation by
photoselective absorption and heating of overactive sebaceous glands. The
power of an Nd:YAG laser is used to accelerate the healing process and to
reduce the possibility of developing new acne inflammation. A high power Nd:YAG laser is used to penetrate the skin deep enough to thermally and selectively destroy large sebaceous glands.
Chemical Peel- A Jessners Peel can be applied by Dr. Patel to help alleviate active acne and hyperpigmentation caused by acne. This is a medium peel that will also help improve collagen and elastin production while simultaneously improving skin texture!
5 Types of Acne Scars:
1. Icepick Scarring
2. Boxcar Scarring
3. Rolling Scars
4. Keloid Scars
5.Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Treatments for Acne Scarring:
Fotona Laser- A precise and gentle skin resurfacing procedure where the Er:YAG laser is absorbed by the top micro-layers of the skin to vaporize scarred skin and stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis. The Er:YAG laser is used to remove micro-thin layers of skin so that new skin can form in its place. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser resurfacing allows Dr. Patel to easily control the depth of penetration. The laser gently vaporizes the acne-scarred surface of the skin so that undamaged skin below is revealed.
Coco Gold- Coco Gold is Dr. Patel's revolutionary and personalized skin treatment that painlessly and effectively delivers specially selected theraputics into the dermis of your skin through microinjection to treat your skin concerns such as acne scarring and pigmentation. This high-quality gold tends to be hypoallergenic and utilizes "free-radical scavenging" to help prevent additional inflammation in your skin!
Chemical Peels- The Jessners Peel can also be applied for treatment of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. Another peel treatment Dr. Patel can use is a TCA Peel. This is a medium to deep peel that can be used in varying concentrations ranging from 10%-30%. The higher the concentration the deeper the skin peel.
If you are experiancing these acne problems please contact us today at (805) 491-5992 to get your acne treatment started!
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