Skin Cancer

CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics
Dermatologists & Aesthetics located in Westlake Village, CA
Skin Cancer Q & A
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer is the most common of all types of cancer and can affect you regardless of your skin tone or type. People with fair skin, those who spend a lot of time in the sunlight, and those who have a family history of skin cancer are at the highest risk.
There are a few different types of skin cancer, all of which develop when your skin cells grow abnormally. The three major types are:
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
SCC originates in the squamous cells, which are elongated cells in the upper portion of the epidermis. This type usually grows in sun-exposed areas like your face or arms.
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
BCC affects the basal cells, which are located in the deeper part of your epidermis. This type also occurs in sun-exposed areas. Both BCC and SCC are very common and usually highly treatable.
Melanoma is a riskier type of skin cancer than SCC and BCC. It originates in your melanocytes, which are the cells that give your skin its color. It can affect regular skin or moles that you already have on your body.
When should I book a skin cancer evaluation?
Dr. Patel encourages you to evaluate your skin regularly for indications of skin cancer. Skin cancer can result in various changes to your skin’s appearance or texture and often appears as a distinct lesion or spot.
Skin cancer can also alter the appearance of a mole or spot that you already have. You should watch for moles, spots, and lesions that:
- Are asymmetrical
- Have irregular or blurred borders
- Are multicolored
- Are larger than one-quarter inch in diameter
- Change in their appearance
Not all moles or spots are cancerous, even if they change slightly in appearance. It’s important to report changes to Dr. Patel just in case so she can evaluate it. To test a lesion for cancerous cells, she may take a biopsy.