
CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics
Dermatologists & Aesthetics located in Westlake Village, CA
Around 2-3 percent of the world’s population has an autoimmune skin condition called psoriasis. At CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics and Cosmetics in Westlake Village, California, board-certified dermatologist Mayha Patel, DO, FAAD, can reduce your psoriatic flare-ups by relieving inflammation or influencing your immune system. To explore possible treatments for your psoriasis, book an appointment by phone or online today.
Psoriasis Q & A
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that it comes from an overactive immune system. While the normal function of your immune system is to protect you from disease, an autoimmune disease causes it to overreact to parts of your own body. In the case of psoriasis, it affects your skin cells.
If you have psoriasis, the life cycle of your skin cells speeds up. As a result, the dead cells accumulate on your skin’s surface in patches that are often inflamed and irritable. Common areas for psoriasis patches include the hands, feet, neck, and scalp.
Although psoriasis is a chronic condition, you likely don’t have symptoms all the time. You get symptoms only when the condition flares up. While some people eventually go into remission and no longer get symptoms, there’s no cure for the disease.
What are the most common types of psoriasis?
Psoriasis has five main types, and Dr. Patel performs a comprehensive skin evaluation to find out which type you have. Then, she plans and personalizes your treatment according to the type and its symptoms. You might have:
Plaque psoriasis
By far the most common type, plaque psoriasis causes redness and inflammation covered by silver or white scales. They usually affect the scalp, elbows, and knees, but can show up in other areas, too.
Guttate psoriasis
Guttate psoriasis causes small pink dots to appear on the arms, legs, and torso. This type is most common during childhood.
Pustular psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis causes regions of redness and inflammation that are covered with white blisters. You can get it on your hands, feet, or across large areas of your body.
Erythrodermic psoriasis
Erythrodermic psoriasis is extremely rare and very severe. In addition to large irritable and scaly patches, it can cause you to get a high fever. You should book an appointment immediately as this type can be life-threatening.
Inverse psoriasis
Inverse psoriasis, another rare type, causes areas of skin to become red and shiny. It usually affects the groin area, armpits, and breasts.
How is psoriasis treated?
Dr. Patel works with you to reduce your symptoms with a custom treatment plan. Treatments can help you manage the symptoms or slow your skin cells’ life cycle down to be closer to a normal rate.
Your options for treatment include in-office therapies, topical products, and prescription medications. Dr. Patel might recommend
- UV light therapy
- Biologics
- Retinoids (topical or oral)
- Immunosuppressants
- Topical corticosteroids
- Moisturizers
- Salicylic acid products
- Vitamin D analogs
Since stress and emotions can trigger psoriasis symptoms, Dr. Patel might advise you to find a healthy outlet for your stress. She might also recommend helpful dietary changes to improve your general health and reduce instances of psoriasis flare-ups.
For more information about psoriasis and how the treatment works, call CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics and Cosmetics or schedule a consultation online today.