Botox And Fillers

CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics
Dermatologists & Aesthetics located in Westlake Village, CA
Wrinkles, thin lips, and facial asymmetry are all common sources of insecurity and often become more evident with age. At CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics in Westlake Village, California, board-certified dermatologist Mayha Patel, DO, FAAD, can make small corrections without surgery by using Botox® and fillers. To schedule a consultation for cosmetic injections, call or request an appointment online today.
Botox and Fillers Q & A
What are Botox and fillers?
Botox and fillers are two separate products, but they’re both injectable treatments that make cosmetic changes to your facial features.
Botox is a neuromodulator, meaning it alters the way your motor nerves communicate with your muscles. Targeted muscles temporarily cannot flex after Botox injections.
On the other hand, fillers contain thick substances like hyaluronic acid that feel just like subdermal fat when injected into your skin. You can use them to add volume to areas of your face that have lost volume with time or naturally don’t have much of it.
Before any injectable treatment at CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics, Dr. Patel applies a numbing product to your skin so that you don’t feel the full force of the needle. The results appear immediately after either treatment and are very predictable under Dr. Patel’s care.
What do Botox and fillers treat?
Botox’s main specialty is smoothing fine lines on your face, like crow’s feet or frown lines. These lines develop and deepen over time when you move the muscles in your face to make expressions, speak, smile, or laugh. When you disable the muscles responsible for these wrinkles, the wrinkles disappear while the product is active.
By increasing volume in targeted areas, fillers serve an array of cosmetic purposes. Placing your filler injections with care, Dr. Patel can:
- Make your lips plumper
- Adjust the shape of your lips
- Reduce deep wrinkles, like nasolabial folds
- Restore volume to your cheeks and temples
- Adjust contours to make your face more symmetrical
Dr. Patel has a keen eye for changes that work well for your face, and she works with you to reach your goals without making you look frozen, expressionless, or swollen.
How long do Botox and fillers last?
Botox usually stays effective within your muscles for 4-6 months before the results fade.
For fillers, the amount of time they last depends on the filler type. Some fillers last just six months, while others can last as long as two years.
You don’t have to go back to your natural look for good once your results fade. You can get follow-up injections of either Botox or fillers, or you can use your results as a template for cosmetic surgery.
To learn more about the potential results of treatments like Botox and fillers, call CoCo Dermatology and Cosmetics or request an appointment online today.